A Brief Guide To Couples Sex Counseling Temecula

By Kathrine Franks

It is never easy for two different people to coexist in peace and harmony. Often, the differences between individuals may the cause of conflict. Such conflict is manifested in marriages and relationships that can lead to loss of intimacy. Intimacy is essential for couples to stay in love amidst conflicts. Therefore, when it is lost, there is a need to ensure that it is regained. Couples sex counseling Temecula helps restore lost intimacy.

The first step is to book an appointment with the therapist of your choice. During the first session, he or she will be attentive to the problem at hand. Additionally, he or she may ask additional questions in a bid to understand the cause of the problem. It is important for the counselor to understand the root of this problem so that he or she may suggest appropriate intervention.

It is not and should not be embarrassing to ask for help from an outsider to save a relationship or marriage. Therapists have client privileges and, therefore, you can be assured that what you share with them is private and confidential. Additionally, the work of the therapist is to help partners discover the source of their problem and together, look for the solution. Their role in therapy is to hold both of your hands and help find the solution together.

Counselling has helped many couples. A whopping 93% of partners express satisfaction with sex therapy. It has helped all types of partners including gay, lesbian, straight, married and single. Its a life-changing experience because it helps address the physical, psychological and emotional monsters that interfere with intimacy. Also, it may help in cases where sexual problems hinder conception.

Depending on your situation, a therapist may recommend weekly or fortnightly sessions. In each session, there will be a lot of talking, between the partners as well as with the therapist. Also, the therapist may ask either or both of you to do some homework as every teacher does.

So what kind of problems should you take to a counselor? All of them, including erectile, ejaculation and orgasm difficulties. Also, painful intercourse, different levels of desire, body image and self-esteem. Additionally, problems that arise as a result of embedded relationship issues should not be left behind. Lastly, problems stemming from trauma such as assault or incest.

For all the above problems, therapy may take different lengths of treatment. Some take only a few sessions such as problems with orgasm and ejaculation. Others such as problems entangled with relationship issues take more sessions to address such as six months with marital counselling. Problems caused by trauma take long, even years depending on a myriad of factors.

Every relationship has its uphill and downhill no matter how much love is involved. To ensure the problems do not get in the way of intimacy, it is best to address every issue as soon as it arises. Although sex therapy is difficult for some people, it is the best treatment for couples grappling with intimacy issues.

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