Lugols Iodine For Health And Well-Being

By Phyllis Schroeder

You need many vitamins, minerals and other supplements to be able to function properly. Most of these substances should be automatically provided to you through your daily diet but adding lugols iodine may be necessary if you do not receive enough of this through the foods you eat. It is needed to provide the highest thyroid function and also consists of distilled water and potassium iodide.

This supplement can be taken in various dosages and strengths of 1%, 2%, 3 %, or even 5%, depending on the main reason for taking this substance. For regular supplements, one very small amount is necessary (1.45 mg). If a doctor suggests or prescribes it, more may need to be ingested per his directions.

A person in the United States cannot purchase stronger versions of this substance. The most potent types that used to be available have been linked to the maintenance and production of local meth labs and now cannot be bought over the counter.

Too much of this substance can be detrimental to one's health, resulting in hypothyroidism and other issues, so it is essential that a doctor's advice be sought before taking this or any other type of supplement. Ask your doctor to test for the amount of it that resides in your system and you will know if you are really in need of these supplements.

The maladies and illnesses that come with a deficiency in this substance can include goiters, depression, high cholesterol, allergies, eczema, decreased fetal brain development, lethargy, weight gain, dry skin, and cretinism. Some professionals believe that its restorative benefits include the ability to fight colds, bronchitis, the flu, stomach upsets, food poisoning, stress and even gas.

There are those who believe that the continuous consumption of common table salt will give everyone the minimum daily requirements. Yes, it's true that this concoction does have iodine in it, but it also contains chlorine which counteracts the effects of the substance. Vegetarians need to be aware that they are very prone to major deficiencies in this substance and should ask their physicians about testing and possibly taking supplements.

Some of the main food items that are high in this supplement include spinach, cabbage, turkey, seaweed products, carrots, radishes, eggs, Brussel sprouts, baked potatoes, mushrooms, and tomatoes. Making a concerted effort to purchase and consume these healthy types of menu items to your daily meals will help reduce the need to take supplements and keep your body healthy and strong.

Have your need for this ingredient tested and analyzed and attempt to get as much as possible from your regular diet. Consult your personal physician if you feel that there may be a definite deficiency and he can run tests, prescribe supplements and monitor your every day progress. If this is what is missing from your daily diet, corrective measures will help you regain your former health and energy with just a few days. You will be able to function much more effectively and feel like a brand new person.

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